Saturday 2 June 2012

Poor bethany in resuss

When Bethany was a year and 10 months old it was my sons 3rd birthday things went from bad to worse. We tried to have a good day in Hastings even though neither me or my son or daughter felt to great but it was my sons 3rd birthday we wanted to make the most out of it. eventually we was on our way home and things started to get frightening. We was on the motor way home and i turned round my daughter was struggling to breath and suddenly went unconscious. i shouted at my mum and jumped out the car on the motor way i did not care about the traffic and managed to get her back with us. We was rushing to the nearest hospital but then it happened again she went unconscious so we pulled over and called an ambulance we picked her out of her car seat and she was floppy their was no life to her at all. i was screaming i did not know what to do it seemed like the ambulance was taking forever.

 next minute she came around again ambulance turned up and they did not seem to understand what had been going on or believe that she had been unconscious twice as she was alert when they arrived they took us in the ambulance on non blue lights to the nearest hospital that's when things dramatically changed. I was holding her and then it happened again in the ambulance that was it blue light speeding, they took her off me strapped her to the bed. I could hear them using their radios saying code red code red time 10 minutes that was me crying and petrified.

  We got out the ambulance and was rushed into resuss i have never seen so many doctors and nurses working on one person i was used to a and e not resuss. they was rushing around trying to bring her back .The doctor said to me that they may not have a choice but to stick her head in a box and a tube down her through as her oxygen levels where really bad. i remember saying do what you need to just save my daughter. Then after 3-4 hours in resuss my daughter was still ill but much better than when she came in her oxygen levels was not so low but not great and she was finally conscious.

Bethany was admitted to the children's ward for a couple of days and after everything it was found out my daughter had carbon monoxide poisoning and was lucky to be here today. i was so grateful for having my daughter here i couldn't have imagined it any other way. Me and my son was also in the property so we was made to go and have carbon monoxide testing and we had hardly nothing left in us not enough to harm us any way which was very lucky. They said Bethany suffered so much due to the fact she is so weak and prone to illness and her immune system is very low. My daughter survived i was exstatic!!!
(Above bethany happy and ready to leave hospital

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